Mortgage Bond Arrears: Can You Challenge a Certificate of Balance?
“O, I do not like that paying back.” (Falstaff, in Shakespeare’s Henry IV Part I) A standard clause in loan agreements, suretyships and the like

From the Horse’s Mouth: “Should You Use AI for Legal Advice?”
“If you didn’t hear it from the horse’s mouth, it came from the other end of the horse.” (Anon) The rapid rise of AI is

Defending Yourself: What Weapons Can You Legally Carry?
“The right of self-defence is the first law of nature.” (St. George Tucker, Blackstone’s Commentaries, 1803) South Africa’s chronically high crime rates have left many

Effective 1 March 2025: New National Minimum Wage
The National Minimum Wage (NMW) for each “ordinary hour worked” has been increased from 1 March 2025 by 4.4% from R27,58 per hour to R28,79

A Complex Issue: Beware Late Building Penalties
“Home wasn’t built in a day.” (Jane Ace, radio comedian) You find the perfect plot on which to build your dream home in a security

Do You Need a Second Will for Your Overseas Assets?
“Only put off until tomorrow what you are willing to die having left undone.” (Pablo Picasso) If you own assets outside South Africa, you may