Attorneys West & Rossouw

The Garage Door That Had the Complex Up in Arms

Balance scale with a house on one side and coins on the other, highlighting the financial considerations of property investment

“Good fences make good neighbours.” (Robert Frost)

When you buy into a community scheme (such as a security estate, complex or apartment block) you automatically become a member of its management body: either a Homeowners Association (“HOA”) if your property is full-title or freehold, or a Body Corporate if your property is part of a sectional title development.

You are then automatically bound by the rules and regulations formulated by your management body, so make sure you understand them fully. They are there to promote everyone’s safety, quality of living and property values, and you have no choice but to abide by them. Of course, as a member, you also have a say in the formulation and amendment of the rules. But once they’re in place you must comply with them.

However, as the outcome of a recent High Court dispute confirms, you are entitled to insist that they be applied consistently and reasonably.

“Remove that garage door, it’s not approved!”

The case saw a homeowner in Randburg take the estate’s HOA to court over their objections to his shiny garage door:

The upshot?

The homeowner gets to keep his mirrored garage door, and HOAs and Bodies Corporate learn a sharp lesson – apply your rules and regulations fairly, reasonably and consistently.

Remember that we are here to assist if you are unsure of anything!

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